
The economic fall-out of the COVID-19 pandemic is estimated by the United Nations to be several trillion [1]. With a total investment of less than 0.1% of the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Virome Project can accomplish the following:

  • Detect and identify the vast majority of zoonotic viral threats to human health and food security

  • Characterize the geographic scope and host range of viruses (evolutionary and transmission hosts)

  • Identify behaviors and practices that potentiate spillover, allowing for the targeting of risk mitigation measures

  • Establish a global surveillance network through local and global capacity enhancements (e.g. surveillance, field biology, lab proficiencies, biosafety)

  • Improve the high-risk virus watchlist for further investment into transmission and pathogenicity characteristics

  • Establish a legal, regulatory and ethical framework for sample, data, information and benefit sharing